Introducing the Winter Webinar Series!
Created to provide our members the opportunity to receive Oregon Board of Dentistry required courses before the licensure deadline of April 1st.
Register for our upcoming webinars below:

Infection Control
This course provides essential training in dental infection control. Participants will review the latest CDC guidelines for infection control, tailored specifically for dental settings. Through practical guidance, this course empowers dental professionals to build documented processes that maintain high standards, reduce risk, and enhance patient and staff safety. Attendees will leave with actionable steps to develop systems that foster a culture of compliance and efficiency in their practices.

Medical Emergencies
Medical emergencies can and do occur in dental practices every day. Over the next fifteen years the segment of the population at highest risk for medical emergencies, those 65 and older, will become a larger percentage of our patients. The entire dental team must be prepared to recognize and respond to a variety of medical emergencies that could be precipitated by the stress of the dental environment. This course will discuss the diagnosis, prevention, and management of common medical emergencies that might occur in dental offices. This four-hour course is appropriate for the entire dental team and meets the medical emergency education requirement of the Oregon Board of Dentistry for license renewal and anesthesia permits.
The winter webinar series is 100% FREE and exclusively for ODA Members.
Not a member or have a question for our membership team? Connect with us here.