The Oregon Dental Association and District 11 are dedicated to promoting the well-being of dentists and dental students in our community. As the demands of professional and personal life continue to escalate, prioritizing your overall health is important. Whether you seek tools for stress management, avenues for personal growth, or opportunities for professional development, we are committed to helping every step of the way. The ODA and ADA has many resources for our members that can be accessed confidentially and anonymously. We are here for you.
Log into your ADA account today to access the Well-Being Index developed by the Mayo Clinic completely free. This is a quick self-assessment tool that can be taken several times a year to help you understand where you are thriving and what areas you can keep striving in your physical and mental health.
How the Well-Being Index has helped my mental health
Dr. Jarod Johnson posted in the New Dentist Blog about his experience using the Well-Being Index. "When I took my first assessment, I realized I had fallen below average and was able to change my path through my habits at home and work. I have found the monthly assessments also keep my wellness on track even when I am not in a state of poor mental health, as I have feedback about where I am as a health care professional."

ODA Wellness Ambassadors have a passion for helping dental colleagues and dental students at all stages of their career. Whether it comes from personal experience or the desire to support their colleagues, a Wellness Ambassador is enthusiastic about overall health and wellness. They agree to provide a compassionate ear and assistance in navigating resources for the next steps to improve stress, practice issues, debt, family obligations, mental health issues, addiction and other life challenges and obstacles. If you would like to speak with someone one-on-one or have a Wellness Ambassador attend one your local meetings please fill out the Request Form.
REQUEST FORM for Wellness Ambassador
If you are interested in becoming a Wellness Ambassador please read the description then complete the form.

Update as of July 1, 2024: OWP Program Changes Sessions reduced from eight to three due to lack of funding.
The Oregon Wellness Program was created in 2018 to promote Oregon’s healthcare professionals’ well-being through education, coordinated regional counseling services, telemedicine services and research. The expansion of the state-wide program to include Oregon dentists means that ODA members can receive up to three (3) free counseling sessions with one of the Oregon Wellness Program’s mental health providers, who are all experienced and vetted clinicians. A standardized process ensures consent and confidentiality. There is no paper trail or reporting to
insurance or the board.
Learn more about the
Oregon Wellness Program